Golden milk, also known in Italy as "oro d'Oriente" or "latte d'oro," is a beverage made from milk, turmeric, and ginger, known for its numerous be...neficial properties. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine, particularly famous in South Asia.
Characteristics Milk with powdered turmeric and ginger.
Flavor Turmeric predominates, harmonizing with the sweetness of lactose or other sweetened plant-based beverages. The spicy kick of ginger lingers in the throat.
Why Drink Golden Milk Ayurvedic golden milk offers antiviral and antioxidant benefits. This beverage aids in cholesterol control, stimulates and enhances the immune system, promoting liver function. It alleviates symptoms of respiratory ailments, particularly sinusitis.
Who Can Drink Golden Milk Anyone, at any time, multiple times a day. It can substitute for a meal.
Ideal Consumer Health-conscious individuals and those attentive to nutrition.
How to Prepare To prepare golden milk, thoroughly dissolve the powder in boiling water or steam to prevent clumping. Then add cow's milk (250ml per 5 grams of powder) or almond milk (in which case, adding coconut oil or another fat is recommended)